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Archive for the ‘Lang Lit HL’ Category

English Written Task

February 21, 2013

Hyperspace, metaverse, replicant, genocide, and homophobia, these are all words that people most likely understand and could possibly use in our daily lives. But how many of you knew that these words were formed and added into our dictionary between the years 1943-1992?  Now, for people who know and are constantly updated with the changes […]

“Nothing Gold Can Stay” Response Paragraphs

February 7, 2013

Nothing Gold Can Stay Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. Robert Frost In this poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay”, the poet […]

Bill Bryson Chapter 5

February 7, 2013

Where do the words we use in our daily life come from? The 5th chapter of Bill Bryson‘s book, “The mother tongue“, is a chapter filled with ideas that can help us answer this common question. In this chapter, we learn that there are mainly five different ways words can be formed; through errors, through […]

Once More to the Lake Screencast

November 19, 2012

Breaking apart the media

September 9, 2012

In this comparative analysis the major news story I focused on was the shooting incident that took place in a theatre in Colorado on July 20th. The shooter, James Holmes, killed 12 citizens and injured over 70 people before the police arrested him in a parking lot nearby. Holmes states that he had done the […]